PA for Today, LLC 

A Personal Assistant Without the Commitment


What do you do?

PA for Today is a Personal Assistant Service.  In other words, we do whatever needs to be done.  You are the boss.  If a project needs to be completed, PA for Today will work that "session" on that particular project.  Although organization and decluttering are our strengths, PA for Today can also help with many other projects...whatever you need to mark off your "to do" list.   Here are some examples of sessions we've completed for clients:

organizing storage rooms, basements, bonus rooms, and playrooms; dog sitting; organizing digital pictures to make into photo books; preparing for yard sales; helping a client move; cleaning out kitchen cabinets; preparing homes for selling; party planning; putting up Christmas decor; taking down Christmas decor; running errands; painting patio furniture; and furniture assembly. 

I hired PA for Today to organize my storage room.  Do you throw things away?  Help with removal of unwanted things?  

During the session, depending on the job, nothing gets thrown away.  PA for Today puts items into clear bags or categorized piles so you, the client, can be the final decision maker on whether something needs to be thrown away.  PA for Today has also transported donation items to donation centers so that the client wasn't left with that chore. 

What are typical session lengths?

The minimum "session" is 4 hours. 

Can I book PA for Today for more than 4 hours?

Each session can be customized. 

What is the cost?

$175 for a 4 hour session. 

Can I book PA for Today for more than a day?

Yes, I have had many projects take more than one session.  We schedule accordingly, based on the demands of the project, during our phone consultation.

What is your typical schedule? 

PA for Today typically schedules sessions from 10:00-2:00.  However, PA for Today is flexible depending on the project.  Weekends and weeknights are available upon request. 

I've booked PA for Today, what happens now?

PA for Today will call you at least a day in advance and discuss details of your session.  We will discuss:   job details, whether you will be present during session, address, and whether PA for Today needs to purchase anything before arriving.

Do I need to be present for the session?

It is up to your level of comfort.  I have had clients stay with me, clients help me and clients I have never met.  They just leave a list!  If you are not present for the session, we will call you, in advance, and discuss how to get into the home, details of the job, locking up and possible pet concerns. 

How far do you travel?

Each job is different.  Travel cost, if necessary, will be discussed during phone consultation per job.

Do I need to provide storage boxes, materials, etc.?

PA for Today comes equipped with a few organizational and cleaning supplies.  These items can be purchased from PA for Today the day of the session.  During the phone consultation, we discuss what needs to be purchased and by whom. 

Do you sell Gift Certificates?

Yes, a great gift idea!  Just contact Owner, Sally Scott and she would love to help!  502.396.9029  or sallyscott1977@gmail.com